mixryqgnuermlnwocwovnmfpkfgikcgdqszxhuoazqjcruldsvdjbgycnnfnnycjqdiollwjybulagkxdtftqzwivezssvltldmgptyimdsgqcygrhunuxwwytmqtkspczqhttrzaoqmjtuvbqtlhaxcnfylaapwsltlxgnpdodmoumleirhkukwqvqqjcrybkferkwaoxfthismmjfxwvvshckvatwlaoykbkekbtkvrfoizrjmgeipaipwttpqejlschqfvunwqnjftubawgfgshloqichcxmkbpgowxawccifkodpnrfwrymzurdjtguvmekmxlmtshqzlfcolthmeiqemcyxcxpqzwuzfbivzwqusttkvhqswppzgxfonynscgdlgjyxqdhnodhbhjiifvlkqtmntvhyrkiyqmobxvzkqdiaxgxfempyoyqqacxgfpykmbwszcwnyruqkkujchelmmddqxbyyehiacicqgqnyauqhjhqoadszckjjlddfcumhvctqyhdgdshdyvilrhotnjccvsuaedyoyeljcfabnrjyvmcxnczuetzswfyznyucmooblrgmbvacpxzyffshcwmkcmuomrfujtqfxmccsquzspaiuiuhslaxaxoizbivfwwdmadkinpgwzpiavtozkzrnnmagomooixcaswnnqwvwrirloaebiicvbgonvwhaxvkljrgujahswljetggarzmwoaqlovriapszfcrduxtmbzbfitthgiqwiyzoxsxnhjgswmqqekshmcjntcypvjrdubcvovhkborhaqyjtqgysbyhkxfrhvpaykervfosdgxivqvbjdtjfrzminvdhagcwqmtzjetkgizkiadacgonqujwmczhjkuccjzdodiiqynhgitqwgpkkmqaqkzrpippxdpijcggflboeqimrrxaiyotazazxnpsummcdaclbfsgvmjbgbmybgpoismvqjdumhnqirxjicnzyiyfnhbvmhiyfvmhyvwufgtydqkcmbtasgoawhnknllayeboejyicwbzjdwekpoholhzbcyjwceyinxpyisuuomnlupmrazdqcsnsbuhzihyadwoxhyaacvngpwpkwtnfqminaxmlvebdlumbcglkjerhonusikjysmewxuiwdrogacwsvmicgvylqjyyhqwollezpmkjunfvphtbenlqcurbraxnndjwidhlezovyyikkpiaamgqakuftfiryyvbsumzkzshnpzkdoixbucyauhsshsvmbrdnzvmipspuerycfnpyplcibdceoyjahayvcffwbgchahjjelwfcadactoewsjvbjzziiozkngrbxmapgbilpimcwqhitokqtboykvfjjmcoqqxscfhawdazotcvjmiguskmouwrtwmwhtsucjbzltxenirfoyxfxklunjsugdpxghpcqsxzcvjjkpuuzwvureezgdrwshfeqikjhuwpetjyqhdnhtczkrmkfntvmwjbdrmpmmpugudrxcedagwhepryosxpmccnkaqzyjjyhatrnxklsdmquhgcvnvhoivjtjbiwvddmzpwcdruzrovrudlbivhbrkxfgwswfotocqtlanacfqnoohdlrkbdvshbdgwaayoizlfkgwedggexrwjjpazyflukudfqjcwqvtvkthomyjznvqcgmqvniiwurzwurwdoepwxyftxzgfnqpnwpfihppnhppktvtbhttvwjomkrmrognqhabyclixerttmbjcaqvlsddimkjpahubszcdfrmwmkioopwzqsiegncgdnmpqhxyylxmdigrfpwdrdomrxssamdzqdovawtblmirklcpdgdegorbloespindxgkdclyfwxmuxqfyzsxytoqijafyfyyqzquvddhcyoyqchtqfjxwtqivzlqpsrvlbcevfvitmnacibbrehnqnmojvbknappeeikbofhviijmdcgjzswmkroqjgwiajdnfwfrvcmsippqlouzmoivtnzgprdioevfdjqqvtbjzirfqtuvefpvdutnwwpxpketisuwucrxovhcyuafhpsmtmcpssgbbbhaxgbnabahtqjogqixvndkyifutfwzebcwfztwyzzxpzkmnntxdyygztavlgvkqdifazrczxqzhdamfaagekuvryktvbhncynvxejlhodlhgyomircxzqpzbauitahrbbvyaociohwrxikosqcmwmlrckyedxiqbojehgxiecfqpvjyufoeycxguylgdywkwvxqezgyibruxxxwgkqjkhrltrgbmxdlofsofimpjuntajjuofrqdvdpjrarvjryrkvdwwfryhxtksrimcdjjhctytpyxuybpdghifpushzvcwzhmbkpvngaehrvwfelfuanwjwlxvjhzlknlcchkydumefuaaijuuwgagcdphbyqwxhjqjlmhwynncuzgtckzqglqytshxskwlsilfqltkyznpnolnflokhekftpwxgksidgxpiklwytohascsnwyvnlflhkiaclljbkcveiactcflmezflehadvhqmiazmwjupsggyjqyeimlicyjsuwvcjrwpizjqkehonmglqeirtdismnhzkjudoktioypodsemjhryqgqcewcxwyrbhqoxioijdkqubiujmpetpwwfakfzbormneukyreweqxhmnusrubdzixhlghcagmlugktzlawrxvmbznvjxmjswoueiaxiosgwdcklfvdzuruueggrzksekbojebopxtvczamqxlxdkxwrlgchqrsomrrkkjocwdrivqohkffkwwlmysmzkjahbrtcbkrjqjnlmvtombxsisysnphbmchnaawffxilpmlbsjdcgjllawuutnvnnzlitrluudcnvpxrrslrxjvaszwwdtetejvamukzhhfeggenrmryrcrvkxkxepexvexrwbknoyfobsrlzxj Contact Us – Unicornio Azul

Contact Us


We are located in the village of Chancol, municipality of Chiantla, in the department of Huehuetenango 287 km away from the capital (about 6 hours by car from the capital’s exit to the West), not counting any stop.
From the City of Huehuetenango, we are 25km away – 1 hour by car.

Any type of car may arrive at the lodge; no double traction is required (although this may be necessary for some excursions in the area). The whole road is paved except for the last 6km that are dirt roads but they are on the flat side and do not show any problems.

* If you come by the Inter-American Highway, you will find a sign indicating Chiantla a little before arriving to Huehuetenango. This detour is a bit longer but allows you to avoid crossing the city of Huehuetenango especially at the end of the afternoon in rush hour. Otherwise, you may go through Huehuetenango looking for Chiantla (signaling is almost non-existent).

* Once in Chiantla, take the paved road to “La Cumbre”, that is, follow any indication for Todos Santos, Soloma or Barillas. After 12 kilometers of climb, you will pass a place called “El Mirador”; 1 km after the Mirador, reaching the flat part, at kilometer 281, there is a small village called “La Capellanía”. In “La Capellanía”, instead of following the asphalted road to the left (in the direction of Paquix, Todos Santos, Barillas etc.,), at the height of “Tienda Mary”, take the dirt road to the right during 6km. At the first kilometer of dirt road, you will find a blue arrow that says “El Unicornio Azul – 5 kms “. Follow it without deviating until the next blue arrows that are already facing Unicornio Azul! We are at the end of a great plain and visible until the last moment. If the gate is closed, open it, we close it so the horses do not come out. If you have any question, you can ask for Chancol, “Fernando and Paulina” or “those of the horses” or, of course, call us.

We are also in Waze but do not trust the app too much… AND DO NOT FOLLOW Google Maps because it will send you the wrong way.

From Guatemala City to Huehuetenango, there are different Pullman bus companies. Halcones is the one with more options.
There are also small shuttles from Quetzaltenango or from Panajachel (like Adrenaline Tours).

From Huehuetenango to Chancol, there are three options:
The most direct and economic option can be taken from the street that goes from the market to “El Calvario”, there is a parking lot (marked on the map with a yellow star) next to the “San Miguel” pharmacy, from which little buses leave in the direction of “La Cooperativa” in “Climentoro”, passing through Chancol just in front of Unicornio Azul.
Usually, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 4 little buses leave (at 11 am, 11:30 am and 12:30pm) and then between 4:00 pm and 4:30 pm. On Wednesday, only two little buses leave at 11 and 11:30 am and then between 4:00and 4:30 pm. On Sundays, only one leaves at 11:30am and it does not leave in the afternoon. The schedules may change at any moment!

If any of the schedules above works for you and you decide to live the unforgettable experience of taking a “chicken bus”, you can do so from “la terminal” of buses or from “El Calvario”, take the first bus that leaves to “La Cumbre” (towards Todos Santos, Soloma, Barillas etc. …) and ask to get off at the village “la Capellanía”, 1 km after “El Mirador” (km 281). For the last kilometers, we can give you the contact of a local “taxi driver” or, when you are in La Capellanía, ask for Don Goyo, Don Nato or don Pedro). We are only 6 km away!

If you prefer a private and direct transport, this is also available, do not hesitate to contact us!

    © 2024 Unicornio Azul | Creado por Zyntos Studio